Monday, July 14, 2008

Time to refocus...

I have been enamored for some time with two things. Driving. And Los Angeles.

I started this blog (as well as the few that redirect here) to have a place to share my thoughts about driving.

I started another blog (The Real LA, to discuss all things Los Angeles.

I have not taken time to so much as jot thoughts on either of them. Yet everyday the passion to express myself about these two things nearly bubbles out of me. It was recently, as I was driving home, that I realized they need to be combined.

I have been asking myself, "What is the "real" L.A.?" and, in the same breath, "What is wrong with drivers these days?". I have realized that one is the answer to the other.

I have (at least for now) convinced myself that the "real" Los Angeles can be found on its streets, roads, boulevards, highways, and freeways. The "real" Los Angeles can be observed in how we get "there".

To those of you who don't drive or ride in vehicles, this still holds true for you. Whatever manner of conveyance you prefer, right down to "hoofin' it" you are a part of the "real" Los Angeles... the traffic scene.

In light of this phenomenal revelation I have received, this blog will be absorbed into The Real LA blog. This post will serve as the final post and will hereby permanently direct visitors to The Real LA blog.

Are you still reading?? There is nothing left here! Please come find us at The Real LA blog.

Thank you.